一個小時前,載客人到桃園,不知不覺地有一種感覺,我自由了:沒 有親朋好友之間義務的牽絆,可以選擇自己所要做的事。這感覺持續 了大約十五分鐘。I like it!
當然,我知道,可能過一個小時、到明天,那些義務就會發生,那就 好好地去做就是了。
On the path of seeking God (getting fully enlightened), one must keep in mind that he/she should keep his/her independent judgment, not just follows Spiritual guiders' words. So i advise people to "learn oneself" (including in Jesus believers. Because it said in Bible:" one must bear his own cross to follow Me." Therefore, one judges one's conditions only through oneself. And how to use the principals described in Bible, it also belongs to the right of individual.)